Tips on how to earn money from the internet for free

Tips on how to earn money from the internet for free


Earnsen- Tips on how to earn money from the internet for free, In the face of technological advances that continue to grow rapidly, the internet has become everyday food. In order not to be left behind, you also have to understand how to earn money from the internet. Want to know how? Let's discuss.

Based on research by and Hootsuite, at least until January 2020, around 64% of the total population in Indonesia or at least more than 175 million Indonesians already have internet access.

This figure has grown by more than 17% with the total internet users increasing by more than 25 million people compared to 2019.

If used optimally, it is possible that you can benefit from doing business on the internet in addition to your main job. What about? Check out the discussion of seven ways to get money from the internet below.

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How to get money from the internet

Here's how to get money from the internet that you can try. Please take a look!

1. Become an online media contributor

Currently, online media has become one of the main media that is often used by those who have internet access, Tips on how to earn money from the internet for free

In order not to miss this opportunity, you can start writing about something you like and then register yourself as a contributor in online media such as,,, or

Apart from being a way to earn money from the internet, your writing can also be used as your portfolio, you know!

2. Manage YouTube channels (tutorial content, DIY, traveling)

Yes, managing a YouTube channel can also be one way to earn money from the internet. How not, based on research from WeAreSocial and Hootsuite as of January 2020, YouTube is currently ranked first as the most used social media platform in Indonesia.

Some content ideas that you can create are tutorials, Do-It-Yourself (DIY), or video blogging about traveling. But remember, create content that matches your interests, because Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life."

3. Selling products/services online

You can also use the internet to practice your business skills, namely by trading products online, such as food, preloved goods, or becoming a reseller.

Remember, if you want to help make the food that you want to sell, make sure to maintain the quality of the food ingredients and cleanliness during the food-making process, OK!

Not limited to goods, you can also offer services, such as delivery services, typing services, design, or website creation services. Considering that at this time we are all encouraged to self-isolate, it seems this business is right for you. Tips on how to earn money from the internet for free.

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